Hypnosis for addiction to medications

Overcome your drug addiction with hypnosis - for a healthy future!

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Hypnosetherapeut Zürich Jan Mion

Hypnotherapy for drug dependency

With Jan Mion

Hypnotherapy for drug addiction - get to the bottom of the causes and stay abstinent in the long run

julius jay viente
julius jay viente
8 Februar 2024
When I read that Jan Mion only works online I was not sure what to expect but I can let you know: It works really well. Online Hypnosis has helped me overcome my fear of flying and now I have flown twice while being almost completely calm.
Ursula Wiesli
Ursula Wiesli
8 November 2023
Meinen Höhenschwindel mit Hypnose zu behandeln, fand ich eine gute Idee, als ich von dieser Methode hörte. So habe ich im Internet nach Hypnosetherapeuten:innen gesucht und Jan Mion gefunden. Seine Seite sprach mich an und so buchte ich einen Termin. Er bot «nur» Onlinetermine an und ich dachte für ein erstes Kennenlernen ist das ganz praktisch. Die Hypnose funktionierte mit Audio und Video sehr gut. In der ersten Sitzung wurde mir klar, dass es hier nicht nur um Höhenschwindel ging, sondern um viel grundlegendere Themen. Nach drei Sitzungen war meine Höhenangst schon bedeutend besser. Ich kann diese Therapieform zu unterschiedlichen Anliegen und Jan Mion allen wärmstens empfehlen.
Diana Rojas
Diana Rojas
12 Dezember 2022
I contacted Jan because I had some issues initially with pain. Together we discovered that this pain was somehow linked to hidden fear, anxiety and some anger. We worked effectively for few sessions with amazing results that I was never able to achieve before. I went to other therapies in the past that waisted my money and time, and resiliency. However, the sessions with Jan were really effective. From the first session Jan works with the purpose of healing people. Once again, thank you Jan for all your help.
Kodmos Kosmos
Kodmos Kosmos
10 April 2022
Online Hypnosetherapie bei Jan Mion. Die Online Sitzungen haben mir die Zeit gegeben, diese überhaupt wahrzunehmen. Ich konnte mich in meiner Umgebung auf die Hypnose vorbereiten, ohne weiteren Stress oder Aufwand. Er war immer sehr einfühlend und hat mir bei meiner Höhenangst sehr geholfen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön nochmals für die Professionellen Sitzungen. Danke
Jessica Wonneberger
Jessica Wonneberger
4 April 2022
Ich hatte vor 2 Wochen eine Stunde Online Hypnose mit Jan, und seitdem bin ich mein grosses Laster (Süssigkeiten) los. Früher habe ich einfach zugegriffen ohne zu überlegen. Nach der Hypnose hatte ich zwar manchmal noch den Mechanismus des Zugreifens, aber bevor ich die Süssigkeiten dann verschlungen habe, wurde ich gedanklich daran erinnert, dass ich das ja eigentlich nicht mehr will. Mittlerweile greife ich nicht mal mehr zu, wenn ich etwas zum Naschen sehe. Herrlich! Herzlichen Dank dafür! Ich fand die Online-Session mit den Kopfhörern super, da hatte man das Gefühl, dass Jan's Stimme direkt dem Kopf entspringt.
ehrenoli oli
ehrenoli oli
11 November 2021
Ich habe den Kurs Hypnose von Grund auf 1-3 bei Jan Mion und Michael Schmidt besucht. Der Kurs lehrt sowohl die Kunst als auch das Handwerk der Hypnose in Theorie wie auch in der Praxis. Nach kurzer Zeit ist man fähig, eine wirkungsvolle Trance anzuwenden. Ich kann die Ausbildung wie auch Jan und Michael als Hypnosetherapeuten sehr empfehlen.
Julius S
Julius S
19 Oktober 2021
Ich hatte heute meine 5. Hypnose Session bei Jan. Anfangs war Ich skeptisch und wusste nicht so Recht was Ich von Hypnose halten soll & dann auch noch im Rahmen persönlicher Problembewältigung und Suchtkrankheiten. Mittlerweile bin Ich vollauf begeistert! Wenn Ich mehr Sterne vergeben könnte, würde Ich dies sofort tun. Natürlich ist es wichtig, dass man bereit ist sich auf die Hypnose einzulassen - doch bei Jan in der Praxis Zürich Enge findet man die perfekten Begebenheiten. Außerdem ist Jan ein unheimlich aufmerksamer; liebevoller; charmanter und vor allem professioneller Therapeut. Er hat es mir unheimlich leicht gemacht mich auf die Hypnose einzulassen und mich meinen Problemen zu stellen und daran zu arbeiten. Ich würde gerne mehr ins Detail gehen, jedoch habe Ich das Gefühl, dass die Hypnose / Behandlung für jeden Patienten unterschiedlich ist und sich nicht pauschalisieren lässt, eines jedoch zu 100% sicher: Bei Jan Mion seid ihr bestens aufgehoben. Ich werde auf jeden Fall mindestens ein 6. Mal wiederkommen, auch wenn Ich aus Frankfurt anreisen muss - es ist jeden einzelnen Kilometer wert!
Brigitte Lamprecht
Brigitte Lamprecht
17 Oktober 2021
Ich habe das Hypno 1-3 bei Jan Mion und Michael Schmidt besucht. Beide Therapeuten haben die Inhalte kompetent vermittelt, konnten diverse Beispiele aus ihrer Praxis erzählen und es war immer wieder wahnsinnig lustig während der gesamten Ausbildung. Wir haben umfangreiche Skripts mit vielen Anregungen, Beschreibungen und Übungen erhalten. Diverse Übungen wurden von Jan oder Miachel an uns Kursteilnehmer*innen vorgezeigt und wir alle waren begeistert von der raschen Wirkung. Ich habe es als sehr professionell erlebt kann beide Hypnosetherapeuten und ihre Ausbildung sehr empfehlen!

Medication addiction can be an extremely stressful situation for those affected. Addiction to medications can lead to numerous health, social and emotional problems and can have a significant impact on quality of life. Many people struggling with medication addiction feel helpless and do not know how to get rid of their dependence on medication

Using the methods of hypnotherapy, I can help you identify the unconscious causes of your addiction and overcome your dependence. Hypnosis does not work like a magic pill, but it can make it possible to be permanently free of drug addiction. This applies to all types of pill addiction such as tranquilizers, painkillers, benzodiazepines or similar.

If you want to free yourself from the burden of your drug addiction and are looking for effective therapy, feel free to contact me. Together we will start on the path to a new, healthy life

In the treatment of drug addiction, hypnosis has several advantages over other approaches. By treating in the unconscious, we can address the root causes of medication abuse directly and positively influence the feelings and experiences associated with it. In addition, it can also help relieve stress and reduce negative emotions - all factors that can be associated with medication addiction.

Drug addiction from the perspective of the subconscious mind

When we lack something to achieve balance within, the unconscious seeks outward. That is, the addictive substance gives what should actually come from within. Most of the time it is a feeling or a state that has been achieved with the medication and that has given you something that is otherwise difficult or impossible to get. For this reason, the unconscious attaches this to the particular substances. As the outside chemistry helps with the inner balance, a physical dependency develops as the inner chemistry adapts.

Thus, when treating drug addiction, it is important to overwrite the addictive memory with positives and developing one's own ways of dealing with the world or drug help.

Although hypnosis offers many benefits, one must always be aware that there is no magic solution - in the end, it is up to the person themselves whether or not they ultimately succeed.

Hypnotherapy for medication addiction
Pill addiction negatively affect many aspects of life

How hypnosis works for medication addiction

Hypnosis is a proven method for treating drug addiction. It can help overcome psychological dependence by enabling sufferers to learn new attitudes and behaviors. Hypnosis works based on the ability to enter a deep trance state and directly address the unconscious mind. In drug addiction therapy, hypnotic techniques are used to help the sufferer build what can keep the addiction symptoms away.

The goal of hypnotic therapy is to help you adopt new thought processes and action strategies that can assist in managing your drug addiction more consciously and effectively.

Here we proceed as in other addiction therapies with hypnosis: we find the missing part and thus replace the effect of pharmacology reduce. Most often we can also reduce the withdrawal symptoms.

Advantages of hypnotherapy

Hypnosis can be an effective tool in treating medication addiction, helping to uncover and heal the unconscious reasons for the addiction. Many people who suffer from substance abuse find hypnosis helpful as a form of therapy, as they can learn more about their addiction and make changes.

The biggest advantage of hypnotherapy is that it allows the patient to uncover deeper causes of substance abuse than other approaches. With the help of this technique, one can identify and work through psychological factors to deal with the triggers of abuse.

In addition, hypnosis for drug addiction can help reduce symptoms such as anxiety or withdrawal symptoms to make withdrawal easier. Shame and guilt can also be relieved to reduce social isolation.

Addressing the root causes thoroughly is especially useful for people at high risk for addiction relapse. Addressing the whole thing from the ground up, rather than superficially treating symptoms, can be conducive to sustainable abstinence.

Very often hypnotherapy has helped to achieve promising results in the treatment of drug addiction disease.

Beat addiction

It's a difficult task to fight addiction. But it is possible if you stick to the right strategies. Hypnosis can be a helpful tool to overcome and successfully beat addiction. If you have drug addiction, hypnotherapy can help you get rid of your addictive patterns and deal with your dependency problems.

Hypnosis also provides a space of relaxation and inner peace. It can also reduce stress and help restore positive attitude patterns. All of these factors contribute to overcoming addictive patterns and regaining a life free of substance dependence. With hypnotherapy, people can learn to address the underlying causes of drug cravings in order to positively affect themselves. With the mastery of self-hypnosis, it also becomes easy to influence yourself during bouts of cravings or urges.

Conclusion hypnosis for drug addiction

Hypnotherapy is a successful method to deal with all types of substance addictions. With the help of professional support, those affected have a good chance of successfully dealing with their addiction symptoms and ultimately finally being free of substance dependence.

Hypnosis can also help reduce the physical symptoms of drug detox and make withdrawal more bearable.

The approach of hypnosis from the ground up also helps in relapse prevention through targeted building of inner resources.

What helps against medication addiction?

A holistic treatment that addresses not only the physical symptoms, but also the emotional and psychological causes of addiction. This is where hypnosis can be a valuable supplement or alternative to traditional addiction therapy. In the hypnotic trance, deep-seated blockages and causes for the addiction can be uncovered and worked on to permanently get rid of the addiction.

Can hypnosis help with drug dependency?

Yes, hypnosis can be an effective method in the treatment of addiction. Hypnotherapy can help uncover and work on the root causes of addiction, reduce withdrawal symptoms, lower relapse rates, and strengthen motivation for abstinence. Hypnotherapy can also help reduce the psychological and emotional effects of addiction, such as feelings of shame or anxiety.

What are the benefits of hypnosis for drug addiction?

The hypnotherapy approach to withdrawal has many advantages. Among them are the following:
Identifying and working through the emotional and psychological causes of addiction.

Strengthening the motivation for abstinence
Reduction of withdrawal symptoms
Reduction of relapse rate
Improving mental health

How long does drug detox take?

The duration of a drug detox depends on various factors, such as the degree of physical dependence and the type of medication. As a rule, detoxification lasts from a few days to several weeks. Hypnotherapy can be used as a supportive tool in this process to reduce withdrawal symptoms and facilitate the process of detoxification. However, it is important to note that detoxification is only the first step on the road to permanent recovery and long-term therapy and support is necessary to maintain abstinence.

Can hypnosis help with medication withdrawal symptoms?

Yes, hypnosis can help reduce withdrawal symptoms by, for example, improving how you deal with stress, anxiety or pain, making withdrawal easier. Hypnosis can also help reduce physical and emotional stress during detox.

Hypnosetherapie Zürich Zimmer

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Mion Hypnose Zürich Enge
Breitingerstrasse 21
8002 Zürich
Mion Hypnose Zürich Hottingen
Ilgenstrasse 4
8032 Zürich
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