Hypnosis against addiction

With hypnosis you can free yourself from addictions and become free from dependence.

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Hypnosetherapeut Zürich Jan Mion

Hypnotherapy against addiction

With Jan Mion

Addiction cessation from scratch with hypnotherapy

Combating addiction with hypnosis

julius jay viente
julius jay viente
8 Februar 2024
When I read that Jan Mion only works online I was not sure what to expect but I can let you know: It works really well. Online Hypnosis has helped me overcome my fear of flying and now I have flown twice while being almost completely calm.
Ursula Wiesli
Ursula Wiesli
8 November 2023
Meinen Höhenschwindel mit Hypnose zu behandeln, fand ich eine gute Idee, als ich von dieser Methode hörte. So habe ich im Internet nach Hypnosetherapeuten:innen gesucht und Jan Mion gefunden. Seine Seite sprach mich an und so buchte ich einen Termin. Er bot «nur» Onlinetermine an und ich dachte für ein erstes Kennenlernen ist das ganz praktisch. Die Hypnose funktionierte mit Audio und Video sehr gut. In der ersten Sitzung wurde mir klar, dass es hier nicht nur um Höhenschwindel ging, sondern um viel grundlegendere Themen. Nach drei Sitzungen war meine Höhenangst schon bedeutend besser. Ich kann diese Therapieform zu unterschiedlichen Anliegen und Jan Mion allen wärmstens empfehlen.
Diana Rojas
Diana Rojas
12 Dezember 2022
I contacted Jan because I had some issues initially with pain. Together we discovered that this pain was somehow linked to hidden fear, anxiety and some anger. We worked effectively for few sessions with amazing results that I was never able to achieve before. I went to other therapies in the past that waisted my money and time, and resiliency. However, the sessions with Jan were really effective. From the first session Jan works with the purpose of healing people. Once again, thank you Jan for all your help.
Kodmos Kosmos
Kodmos Kosmos
10 April 2022
Online Hypnosetherapie bei Jan Mion. Die Online Sitzungen haben mir die Zeit gegeben, diese überhaupt wahrzunehmen. Ich konnte mich in meiner Umgebung auf die Hypnose vorbereiten, ohne weiteren Stress oder Aufwand. Er war immer sehr einfühlend und hat mir bei meiner Höhenangst sehr geholfen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön nochmals für die Professionellen Sitzungen. Danke
Jessica Wonneberger
Jessica Wonneberger
4 April 2022
Ich hatte vor 2 Wochen eine Stunde Online Hypnose mit Jan, und seitdem bin ich mein grosses Laster (Süssigkeiten) los. Früher habe ich einfach zugegriffen ohne zu überlegen. Nach der Hypnose hatte ich zwar manchmal noch den Mechanismus des Zugreifens, aber bevor ich die Süssigkeiten dann verschlungen habe, wurde ich gedanklich daran erinnert, dass ich das ja eigentlich nicht mehr will. Mittlerweile greife ich nicht mal mehr zu, wenn ich etwas zum Naschen sehe. Herrlich! Herzlichen Dank dafür! Ich fand die Online-Session mit den Kopfhörern super, da hatte man das Gefühl, dass Jan's Stimme direkt dem Kopf entspringt.
ehrenoli oli
ehrenoli oli
11 November 2021
Ich habe den Kurs Hypnose von Grund auf 1-3 bei Jan Mion und Michael Schmidt besucht. Der Kurs lehrt sowohl die Kunst als auch das Handwerk der Hypnose in Theorie wie auch in der Praxis. Nach kurzer Zeit ist man fähig, eine wirkungsvolle Trance anzuwenden. Ich kann die Ausbildung wie auch Jan und Michael als Hypnosetherapeuten sehr empfehlen.
Julius S
Julius S
19 Oktober 2021
Ich hatte heute meine 5. Hypnose Session bei Jan. Anfangs war Ich skeptisch und wusste nicht so Recht was Ich von Hypnose halten soll & dann auch noch im Rahmen persönlicher Problembewältigung und Suchtkrankheiten. Mittlerweile bin Ich vollauf begeistert! Wenn Ich mehr Sterne vergeben könnte, würde Ich dies sofort tun. Natürlich ist es wichtig, dass man bereit ist sich auf die Hypnose einzulassen - doch bei Jan in der Praxis Zürich Enge findet man die perfekten Begebenheiten. Außerdem ist Jan ein unheimlich aufmerksamer; liebevoller; charmanter und vor allem professioneller Therapeut. Er hat es mir unheimlich leicht gemacht mich auf die Hypnose einzulassen und mich meinen Problemen zu stellen und daran zu arbeiten. Ich würde gerne mehr ins Detail gehen, jedoch habe Ich das Gefühl, dass die Hypnose / Behandlung für jeden Patienten unterschiedlich ist und sich nicht pauschalisieren lässt, eines jedoch zu 100% sicher: Bei Jan Mion seid ihr bestens aufgehoben. Ich werde auf jeden Fall mindestens ein 6. Mal wiederkommen, auch wenn Ich aus Frankfurt anreisen muss - es ist jeden einzelnen Kilometer wert!
Brigitte Lamprecht
Brigitte Lamprecht
17 Oktober 2021
Ich habe das Hypno 1-3 bei Jan Mion und Michael Schmidt besucht. Beide Therapeuten haben die Inhalte kompetent vermittelt, konnten diverse Beispiele aus ihrer Praxis erzählen und es war immer wieder wahnsinnig lustig während der gesamten Ausbildung. Wir haben umfangreiche Skripts mit vielen Anregungen, Beschreibungen und Übungen erhalten. Diverse Übungen wurden von Jan oder Miachel an uns Kursteilnehmer*innen vorgezeigt und wir alle waren begeistert von der raschen Wirkung. Ich habe es als sehr professionell erlebt kann beide Hypnosetherapeuten und ihre Ausbildung sehr empfehlen!

What is addiction?

In order to use hypnosis for the fight against addiction, we must first understand understand what addiction is. The definition of addiction is the irresistible craving for a substance or condition. So this addiction can be substance or non-substance. Generally speaking, you can be addicted to just about anything. If we have a desire for it, then it can already tend towards addiction or dependence. dependence.

Often, however, the transition between normal behavior and addiction is fluid. With substances, one speaks of abuse when the consumption of normal use becomes addictive behavior. In such cases we also speak of dependence syndrome. At the latest when the behavior becomes harmful and dysfunctional in relation to the addictive substance, it becomes becomes clear to most that something is wrong. Since addiction is considered a disease the term addictive disease is often used.

So, curing the sufferers from addiction is the goal of addiction therapy with hypnosis.

Examples of addictions:

  • Nicotine addiction
  • Drug addiction
  • Shopping addiction
  • Mobile Phone Addiction
  • Game addiction
  • Alcohol addiction

Causes of addiction

The unconscious mind, which we all have, is usually very pragmatic. It takes the solution it has available and often the one that is easiest. This has apparently proven itself in the course of evolution. It also relies on the reward center in the brain. This evaluates our world, so to speak, according to the amount of happiness hormones released.

That which helps us survive is still rewarded with good feelings. Addictive substances trigger exactly these good feelings. Either because they fit the 4 Fs of survival, like food or sex, or because they simulate something to our brain, like cocaine or computer games.

Most people have various possibilities to reach their desired feelings of happiness. If many things fit, we have a good foundation of satisfaction and a good inner feeling of wholeness. People with such a good basis can usually also consume addictive substances from time to time without becoming dependent.

People who develop a dependency (getting hooked) and get hooked on the addictive substance like a fish on a hook, therefore, have other causes than just consumption. The worm alone is not enough, the hook is also needed.

hypnosis for addiction
If something is missing...

Prerequisites for addiction

But what is this hook that is present in some and not in others?

I have dealt with many clients who were addicted to a wide variety of substances. substances and it was always similar in the end: something that is missing.

Our unconscious is always looking for wholeness and balance. So when we lack something, it is not simply left out. It is replaced by something else that has a similar effect. So if we lack the good feelings from the inside, it will have to be supplied from the outside.

Das Unbewusstsein schliesst die Lücke so gut es kann. Dort wo eigentlich etwas anderes sein sollte, wie zum Beispiel gute Familienverhältnisse, Selbstwert, Optimismus, ein starkes Selbstbewusstsein, Erfüllung, ein gestärkter Sinn für sich etc. kommen die Suchtmittel hin. Sucht Schweiz nennt diese Mängel «Risikofaktoren».

Aus «nur einmal ausprobieren» wird das Mittel um die Leere zu füllen. Und je grösser die Lücke klafft, desto mehr und stärkeres muss konsumiert werden, um das Loch zu füllen.

fight addiction with hypnosis
...there is the first best.

Developing addiction

Most people at the beginning of an addiction still think that they have everything under control. They think they are "strong enough" to stop again. That may be true, but with addiction problems, sheer willpower is usually not enough.

One of the reasons for this is that dependence increases over time. This is because our unconscious processes rely more and more on the addictive substance. Since consumption is usually the easiest way to achieve feelings of happiness, other, less stimulating activities take a back seat. The whole life revolves more and more around something.

The addictive substance becomes the only solution to certain or even all problems. Therefore, it is logical that the craving then also becomes greater and greater, even if we no longer want it.

Often, the first attempt to stop is made at some point. This causes massive stress for the entire system. And what does the addict do to relieve stress? He reaches for the addictive substance. This vicious circle often nips addiction cessation in the bud.

If you notice that you are reducing yourself more and more to the addictive substance and can no longer stop on your own, it is time to get help. A wide variety of methods can be used to do this.

Hypnotherapy is one of the therapy methods whose effect is increasingly proven. For example, in one study, hypnosis in groups was shown to have a 77% success rate after at least one year in alcohol addicts.

Vorteile der Hypnose zur Suchtbekämpfung

What makes hypnosis so effective for fighting addiction is that we can get to the root of the addiction. We deliver the appropriate interventions directly to the unconscious. That is, we give the unconscious direct suggestions to what is really what makes the difference.

Many actions that addicts take are neither logical nor make sense to the conscious mind. What I often hear is "I know it makes no sense, but I do it anyway". This is a classic case of unconscious dynamics that cannot be influenced better by any other method than hypnosis. To be able to change something in the processes of the subconscious, we use hypnosis for addictions.

Hypnosis against addiction
Hypnosis brings possibilities

Course of addiction therapy with hypnosis

What is important to say beforehand: In the minds of many people there is still the idea that in hypnosis it happens in such a way that the hypnotist or hypnotherapist snaps his fingers, the client faints and upon awakening all problems are solved forever. Sure, there are still hypnotists who offer such things, but professional hypnosis looks different. Anyone who comes to a hypnosis practice with the idea that hypnosis will "fix you from the outside" will almost always be disappointed. Especially with addictions and hypnosis, there is often the idea that everything is solved with a flick of the wrist. That's why I'm writing this as an explanation.

Hypnosis can make a lot of things easier and sometimes even be the only way to get away from something, but usually not in one session. And actually it always takes change to change something.

Wenn wir also mit den passenden Erwartungen an die Sache herangehen, dann können wir grosse Erfolge haben.

Individual therapy

Addiction therapy with hypnosis is tailored to each client. The interventions with hypnosis can be as different as the person himself.

In order for me to get the whole picture, I involve my clients' whole selves. So we don't just talk about the addiction or problems in the algine mind, but also about resources. This is important so that we can use what is there. So we see what is there and what is missing. In hypnotherapy we use everything that the client brings with him.

On an unconscious level, we also search for the causes or the hooks that make us cling to the addiction. These dynamics are often unconscious, which is why it is also important to search for clues here.

When we have found what is missing, then we can set about building it.

Interior strengthening

To really get away from addiction, it usually takes an inner strength that goes far beyond "pure willpower". In order to be able to stand firm enough, you also need a good foundation of inner convictions and feelings. This positive inner atmosphere and sense of self that contain the risk and act as protective factors against relapse.

Wenn diese grundlegenden Aspekte nicht vorhanden sind, dann können wir sie zuerst entwickeln (lassen) im Innern.

Selbstheilung starten

Self-healing in addicts can include many things. Not only the physical healing in case of damage, but also the mental healing is meant. Healing hypnosis works in many areas.

Many people behave differently than they would otherwise because of the disease of addiction. For this reason, you often find a lot of self-loathing among addicts. Healing these psychological wounds is often a big part of fighting addiction and preventing relapse.

It doesn't necessarily have to be self-forgiveness, but the view of one's own value has a big impact. Whoever feels himself to be valuable enough again, can also be worth it again not to do the addictive stuff to himself anymore. Those who feel guilty accept almost any punishment, including the life of an addict.

If we also use hypnotherapy to cause the mental wounds to heal and increase self-worth, then these one-sidednesses in life can be resolved again.

Preventing relapses

Once it has been possible to get away from the addictive substance for a certain time, then the greatest danger is to relapse again. If old patterns of addiction show up again, then this is usually an indication that in certain cases the unconscious still reaches for the addictive substance in order to try to solve certain problems. Therefore, it is important for relapse prevention to learn and practice the emotional skills to recognize these situations and inner processes early enough.

If something like this is recognized, the conscious mind can also help and learn to intervene directly. For example, through active self-hypnosis. This is also trained in the comprehensive treatment concept.

hypnosis for addiction

The goal

The goal of treatment of addiction is that the addictive substance is no longer needed. Not only in the sense of taking away the craving, but also to develop such inner competencies that it no longer needs a substitute.

Hypnotic addiction treatment from the ground up is designed to change sensibilities, thinking and behavior so that addictive substances are no longer needed as a crutch to get through life.


Hypnosis for the treatment of addiction helps on several levels and also where the conscious mind has no direct access.

This gives us options for treating addiction that can make all the important difference.

Hypnosis has helped many lead addiction-free lives and should be included in any treatment for addiction.

Hypnosetherapie Zürich Zimmer

Start with hypnosis

Every journey begins with the first step

Ready for Hypnosis?

Book an appointment and make the first step towards hypnotic success.
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Mion Hypnose Zürich Enge
Breitingerstrasse 21
8002 Zürich
Mion Hypnose Zürich Hottingen
Ilgenstrasse 4
8032 Zürich
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