Get rid of bad habits with hypnosis

Replace bad habits with good ones with the unconscious effect of hypnosis

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Hypnosetherapeut Zürich Jan Mion

Hypnotherapy for negative habits

With Jan Mion

Resolve the unconscious causes of habitual behaviors.

Tyrell Mckay
Tyrell Mckay
27 Juni 2024
Jan Mions Hypnosetherapietermine waren nicht meine ersten, aber sie waren die ersten, die wirklich etwas bewirkt haben. Seine Intuition ist bemerkenswert und er hat sofort erkannt, was nicht optimal lief. Auch wenn man es vielleicht nicht sehen will, führt er einen direkt zu sich selbst und unterstützt dabei, die notwendigen Veränderungen vorzunehmen, um Probleme zu lösen. Darüber hinaus möchte ich auch seinen passenden Humor erwähnen, der sogar bei schwierigen Themen geholfen hat, aus dem Loch herauszukommen und eine positivere Sichtweise zu gewinnen. Ob vor Ort oder per Online-Hypnose, ich kann Jan Mion uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.
Aleksa Avramovic
Aleksa Avramovic
27 Juni 2024
Am Ende des letzten Jahres suchte ich in Zürich nach Hypnose, die mir gegen meine Flugangst helfen könnte. So bin ich auf Jan Mion gestoßen. Seine herzliche und humorvolle Art machte jede Sitzung angenehm. Vielen Dank, Jan! Die Sitzungen sind tiefer gegangen, als ich es zuvor angenommen hatte, aber es war jede Minute wert, denn was wir gemacht haben, hat nicht nur die Flugangst weggemacht, sondern auch sonst in meinem Leben geholfen.
Karina Cortinas
Karina Cortinas
29 Mai 2024
Ich entschied mich Hypnose zu nutzen um bessere Präsentationen halten zu können. Hypnotherapie war für mich Neuland und ich war zunächst unsicher, aber Jan machte es mir leicht mich zu entspannen und wohlzufühlen. Dank Jan konnte ich die tieferliegenden Ursachen meines Lampenfiebers entdecken und daran arbeiten. Bereits nach wenigen Sitzungen bemerkte ich eine deutliche Verbesserung meiner Auftrittsangst und gewann mehr Selbstvertrauen. Auch für andere Ziele kann ich Jan als Hypnose Coach wärmstens empfehlen.
Jack Golding
Jack Golding
20 Mai 2024
I met Jan earlier this year in Vietnam at a conference. I found him to be a very intelligent and articulate person so when he mentioned he practiced hypnosis and was open to online sessions I thought I'd give it a go. I had no previous interest or desire to do hypnosis - when he asked what I wanted to work on I said I'm just here to have fun. In the past I've experimented with cognitive behavioural therapy, vipassana medication, the 12 step program and a bunch of self help books. One quote that stands out from meeting him is "it's never too late for a good childhood", not his original but a profound insight. Jan was able to build the trust you need for any inner work quite quickly. He asked if there was anything that may come up that is undesired and reminded me at any time we could stop the process. After not being able to meditate or quieten my mind for many years I was able to experience a trance like state within only 30 minutes of therapy. His narration and guidance were very effective in building up an understanding of the process especially using his unique personas of animals. He presented himself always as caring but fair. I reflect on the process as guided self alignment - it isn't an exercise in feeling sorry for yourself or having another person feel sorry for you but a celebration of the hardships you've endured through life and an opportunity to provide yourself the support you need to continue moving on with life. After 2 sessions I feel more empowered to take on the inevitable challenges in life and if needed I now have an advisor to realign me. Thanks for your guidance Jan!
21 Februar 2024
After every session with Jan I had a smile on my face and this very special kind of energy. He helped me level up my business and many other things in my life that I thought hypnosis could not help with. I recommend Jan wholeheartedly offline and online.
julius jay viente
julius jay viente
8 Februar 2024
When I read that Jan Mion only works online I was not sure what to expect but I can let you know: It works really well. Online Hypnosis has helped me overcome my fear of flying and now I have flown twice while being almost completely calm.
Ursula Wiesli
Ursula Wiesli
8 November 2023
Meinen Höhenschwindel mit Hypnose zu behandeln, fand ich eine gute Idee, als ich von dieser Methode hörte. So habe ich im Internet nach Hypnosetherapeuten:innen gesucht und Jan Mion gefunden. Seine Seite sprach mich an und so buchte ich einen Termin. Er bot «nur» Onlinetermine an und ich dachte für ein erstes Kennenlernen ist das ganz praktisch. Die Hypnose funktionierte mit Audio und Video sehr gut. In der ersten Sitzung wurde mir klar, dass es hier nicht nur um Höhenschwindel ging, sondern um viel grundlegendere Themen. Nach drei Sitzungen war meine Höhenangst schon bedeutend besser. Ich kann diese Therapieform zu unterschiedlichen Anliegen und Jan Mion allen wärmstens empfehlen.
Diana Rojas
Diana Rojas
12 Dezember 2022
I contacted Jan because I had some issues initially with pain. Together we discovered that this pain was somehow linked to hidden fear, anxiety and some anger. We worked effectively for few sessions with amazing results that I was never able to achieve before. I went to other therapies in the past that waisted my money and time, and resiliency. However, the sessions with Jan were really effective. From the first session Jan works with the purpose of healing people. Once again, thank you Jan for all your help.

It can be difficult to get rid of bad habits that are deeply rooted in us. They are referred to as the "power of habits" because they influence many things in our lives. So there are good habits and bad habits.

However, if these routines aren't doing you any good, then it's time to break old habits
Fortunately, hypnosis is an effective way to break the cycle of unhealthy behaviors and replace them with healthier alternatives. In this article, you'll learn how hypnosis can help you break bad habits and live a healthier, more empowered life.

For some people, breaking bad habits seems like an impossible task. Our brains are wired in such a way that, with a conscious mind, it can be incredibly difficult to change a habit once it has been established. No matter how hard we try, our subconscious mind often keeps us stuck in behavior patterns that we would rather not have. We also often fail to see a logical reason behind the behavior. This is where hypnosis comes in!

Hypnosis has been used for centuries as a means of change and personal growth. In the hypnotic state, a deeper connection with the unconscious is created and so it is possible to change old behavior patterns and replace them with more appropriate ones.

Causes of bad habits

Bad habits are formed through a combination of factors, including conscious choices and subconscious beliefs. Therapeutic hypnosis can help people break bad habits by uncovering the root causes of their behaviors and helping them replace those behaviors with healthier alternatives.

The subconscious mind plays an important role in the formation of bad habits. Uncovering the underlying beliefs that lead to negative behaviors is a key component in getting rid of bad habits.

The first step is to become aware of the causes of the habits. It helps to become aware of one's thoughts and feelings before engaging in a particular behavior so that one can make a more conscious decision about how he or she wants to behave.

Therapeutic hypnosis can also be used to explore memories of past experiences that may have contributed to the development of bad habits. Understanding the deeper psychological reasons why a person developed certain behaviors can help them develop new strategies to change their behavior over the long term. Understanding the role that subconscious beliefs play in breaking bad habits is essential to making lasting changes in one's life.

Unconsciously to bad habits

Bad habits and vices can be caused by a variety of factors, including the subconscious mind. Habits form because our brains are wired to associate certain activities with rewards, forming neural connections that are hardwired into our brains. These connections make it hard for us to break our tics and bad habits without outside help.

Here are 4 ways the subconscious contributes to the formation of bad habits:

  • It influences our behavior without us being aware of it.
  • It triggers emotional reactions that cause us to act impulsively.
  • It often tempts us into behaviors that we know are not good for us in the long run.
  • It can lead to habit formation, making it difficult for us to break these bad habits without external help.

Automatic behavior is subconscious behavior

Automatic behavior is a type of behavior that is subconscious; it is a deeply ingrained habit that does not require conscious thought. This can include activities such as surfing the Internet or other habitual behaviors.

Bad habits can take many forms, from seemingly harmless to life-threatening. Fingernail biting, negative self-talk, or even substance abuse are just a few examples of bad habits that people struggle with every day. But why do we have these behaviors in the first place?

The causes of bad habits such as fingernail biting, substance abuse, or negative self-talk can often be traced to underlying issues in our subconscious. For example, an increase in stress may cause someone to start nail biting as a way to cope with their nervousness. Similarly, a person struggling with low self-esteem may turn to intoxicants to relieve their emotional pain in the short term.

Understanding how unconscious processes and intentions contribute to automatic behavior and patterns can help us see the underlying intention. Even the weirdest quirk or stupidest habit has its origin and rationale somewhere.

Self-reflection is important to understand why we have certain habits that we would like to break. Hypnosis can give us access to our subconscious mind so that we can gain insight into the roots of our habits and ultimately make changes in our lives. By accessing this knowledge, we can better understand the motivations behind our behaviors and tackle the goals in a positive way.

The combination of self-reflection and hypnosis is an effective tool to break bad habits. It allows us to identify the triggers for certain behaviors and change our reactions accordingly; we also gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, which can also lead to lasting change. With these tools, we are better equipped to combat unwanted habits that keep us from living happier lives.

List of bad habits

  • Smoking

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Neglect of personal hygiene
  • Excessive consumption of sweets or fast food
  • Lack of exercise and physical activity
  • Going to bed too late or not getting enough sleep
  • Excessive media consumption (e.g. television, smartphone)
  • Nail biting

  • Speaking loudly or shouting
  • Tardiness
  • Excessive stress or nervousness
  • Continuous postponement of tasks (procrastination)
  • Untidiness or lack of tidying discipline
  • Unhealthy diet (e.g., lack of fruit and vegetable intake).

No matter what bad habit you're trying to break - whether it's fingernail biting, substance abuse or negative self-talk - hypnosis can be an effective way to address the subconscious mind and eliminate the deep-seated causes that are causing your behavior. By using this powerful healing method, you can gain insight into the root causes of your habits and find healthier ways to deal with everyday challenges.

How to break bad habits with hypotherapy

It can be difficult to break bad habits, but hypnotherapy can help. Not only does it help you fix the unconscious causes, but it also helps you develop positive habits. It is also an effective method to achieve self-respect and thus self-discipline and make lasting changes in one's life.

Here are four ways to break bad habits with hypnotherapy:

  • Replacing negative focus with positive thoughts
  • Replacing negative habits with positive ones
  • Become aware of triggers for bad behavior and fix them
  • Initiation of positive patterns with positive feedback

With hypnotherapy, you can become more aware of your own thoughts and feelings. This helps you identify triggers that cause you to engage in harmful behaviors, so you can learn to control your behavior and replace it with healthier alternatives. Self-discipline is essential to staying on track and achieving your goals. By forming positive habits, you can ensure that your efforts pay off.

Self-respect is the respect for one's own feelings and needs. If this is missing, we do not find our own so important. This leads to a negative feedback loop, a so-called vicious circle of self-rejection and negative behavior for oneself.

Good feelings equal good behavior

Good feelings equal good behavior is an important concept when it comes to breaking bad habits. Positive reinforcement can be effective in helping us create new habits that are beneficial to our own well-being. Let's take a closer look at how these two things are related and how they can help us break our bad habits. When we use hyposis therapy to reduce the negative aspects such as stress, anxiety or self-doubt, then we can do what is really good for us out of good feelings.

First, it is important to recognize that positive emotions have a powerful influence on behavior. Through positive reinforcement, we can use our good feelings to motivate us to take action and engage in behaviors that lead to better health outcomes and well-being.

Second, positive reinforcement helps us associate new habits with positive feelings. By associating the new behaviors with pleasant experiences, we are more likely to maintain them over time. This is especially true when the reward is consistent and immediate, such as when we eat healthier or exercise more. If we adopt positive habits and implement useful rituals that are good for us, we can make life easier for ourselves and use the whole system of habits in a positive way. In this way, the change becomes permanent and sustainable.

When we regularly adopt health-promoting behaviors, we form better habits that eventually become automatic responses instead of conscious choices. This will not only help us break our bad habits, but also improve our overall mental and physical health, as well as our overall happiness.

The difference between addiction and bad habits

Addiction and bad habits are two different things, but they can be closely related. It is important to understand the difference between the two when you are trying to overcome bad habits through hypnosis.

Addiction generally refers to a physical or mental dependence on a substance or activity, such as drugs or alcohol or even fast food. Bad habits, on the other hand, are typically characterized by poor time management or poor stress management. They do not require the same level of physical dependence as an addiction and can often be broken with a little effort and willpower.

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of hypnotherapy to break bad habits?

Hypnotherapy can be an effective way to break bad habits. It uses the power of suggestion to help people break their unhealthy patterns and replace them with healthier behaviors. It involves addressing the unconscious causes of the habits and realigning the goals of the unconscious mind. With hypnosis, people can regain control of their lives and make positive changes that last a lifetime.

The benefits of hypnotherapy in breaking bad habits include increased motivation, higher self-esteem, better concentration, and better stress management. The hypnotic state allows individuals to become more open to positive suggestions and ideas, which can help them create new pathways in the brain that lead to long-term success. Hypnosis also helps people develop greater self-awareness, which allows them to understand why they engage in unhealthy or destructive behaviors.

Is hypnotherapy effective for long-term habit change?

Hypnotherapy is used to treat a variety of medical and psychological problems, such as overcoming bad habits like smoking, overeating, or nail biting. But is hypnotherapy also suitable for long-term habit change?
The answer, in short, is yes. Experience shows that hypnotherapy can be very effective in breaking bad habits. Studies have shown that in some cases it can even be more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy alone.
The key to successfully changing habits using hypnotherapy is to identify the causes of the unwanted behavior and eliminate them through hypnotic suggestions. This helps to break the cycle of behavior and create new positive habits and behaviors in place of the old ones. With continued practice, these new habits can become ingrained and lead to long-term success in permanently changing the behavior.

How long does it take for hypnotherapy to have an effect?

When it comes to hypnotherapy for bad habits, one of the most common questions is, "How long does it take for hypnotherapy to work?" Hypnosis has been used for centuries to change our behavior, but how long it takes before you start seeing results varies from person to person.
How long it takes depends on several factors, including the type and severity of the habit, how long you've been doing the behavior, and how quickly and easily you can make change. Generally, you can expect results within a few weeks or months. With Jan Mion, this is usually in the range of 2-5 sessions.
Hypnotherapy is usually not a magic pill that will make all bad habits disappear overnight. However, with commitment and practice, it can be an effective tool to help you rid yourself of unhealthy behaviors and develop more productive ones.

How expensive is hypnotherapy against bad habits?

When it comes to hypnotherapy against bad habits, many people are curious about the costs involved. With Jan Mion, a session costs 150Fr. and lasts one hour and you should expect about 2-5 sessions.


In summary, hypnotherapy can be an effective way to break bad habits. It has been shown to have a positive effect on long-term behavioral changes and to have a relatively quick impact.

However, with the right guidance and support, hypnotherapy can help you kick your bad habits for good. It is not a quick fix, but an ongoing process of self-reflection and change.

Ultimately, this can lead to a healthier lifestyle that is free from the negative effects of unhealthy habits.

Hypnosetherapie Zürich Zimmer

Start with hypnosis

Every journey begins with the first step

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Book an appointment and make the first step towards hypnotic success.
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Mion Hypnose Zürich Enge
Breitingerstrasse 21
8002 Zürich
Mion Hypnose Zürich Hottingen
Ilgenstrasse 4
8032 Zürich
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