If you want to overcome your fear of flying with hypnosis you are at the right place. Get rid of your fear of flying with hypnosis.
Let hypnosis therapy take away your fear of flying.
The fear of flying is a specific phobia that affects up to 16% of the population.
Since the fear of flying often develops over a certain period of time, it should be treated early. The earlier one uses hypnosis against fear of flying, the faster the results can come. When treating the fear of flying or even aviaphobia with hypnosis, the course is set in the unconscious mind so that it no longer perceives flying as a threat.
In this way, the uncomfortable feelings before take-off can be eliminated and the tension when boarding the aircraft can be relieved. Physical symptoms such as nausea or shortness of breath can also be treated with hypnosis therapy for fear of flying. With hypnosis you can overcome your fear of flying.
The great advantage of hypnosis in the treatment of fear of flying is the direct response of the unconscious. Most people with fear of flying are presented with facts about how safe flying is. And still nothing changes in the fear.
The fear reaction is controlled by the unconscious and this does not have the logical rational thinking of the conscious mind. Therefore all numbers and facts are useless.
With hypnosis, however, we can translate these considerations into the language of the unconscious and thus often make the difference that allows for an improvement or even a resolution of the fears.
For most people the fear of flying arises in the same way as other fears. Namely when the unconscious has recognized a situation as threatening and wants to keep us away from it. Various influences can trigger the discomfort or even panic before flying.
Not everyone who is afraid of flying has also experienced something traumatic in relation to flying. If we know exactly where it started, it makes finding the cause easy.
However, the trigger is often not quite clear.
Flying in an airplane is not really tangible for our unconscious. That's why imagination can often run away with you. I experience with many clients that at least at the beginning the imagination can have a big influence. Often it is not what happens that triggers the action, but what you imagine. Even if you have experienced strong turbulences yourself, often nothing worse has happened.
Nevertheless, our unconscious can perceive even the smallest experience as an indication of danger, which can become more and more elevated.
The performances can also be supported by external influences such as information or films about crashes and air accidents. These then give the unconscious enough material to think up the most daring horror stories.
Sometimes the fear of flying can also be inherited. If the parents were already afraid of flying, the panic when flying can be copied from the children. The queasy feeling is directly transmitted, so to speak.
Often the fear of flying has also to do with the fact that one has trouble giving up control. Especially people who like to have everything under control in everyday life often have problems with flying. Stress can often arise if you have no influence on what is happening. This is called the passenger syndrome in the technical language. The pilot is also an unknown person except for a short announcement at the beginning. Of course he has an interest in arriving safely, but sometimes this is not a sufficient reason for trusting the pilot.
Sometimes a fear does not come alone. The interior of an aircraft can also trigger fears that are not specific to the aircraft. For example, claustrophobia and fear of heights often occur in people who have a fear of flying. These can then influence each other and can be treated as a whole.
Many people take medication to treat their fear of flying. However, sedatives in tablet or pill form are usually not a sensible solution, especially if you have to fly for work.
Hypnosis makes it possible to treat the fear of flying in a natural way. Thereby the unconscious is stimulated to make adjustments.
I personally believe that the unconscious can't do everything it does. For this reason I think that most people already have the solution to their problems within themselves. In hypnosis against fear of flying this is no different.
In hypnosis against fear of flying we directly address the causes of the fear of flying in the unconscious. With the use of different methods of hypnosis therapy we can make flying into something that may still not be fun, but in any case no longer causes any major problems.
The own condition or the inner atmosphere can have a great influence on anxiety. In hypnosis therapy, we train the unconscious mind in the state that enables the person affected to positively influence the fear.
If we learn to influence our own condition, the symptoms of anxiety can also be reduced. In this way one is no longer helplessly at the mercy of fear, but enters the respective situations with a strengthened inner state.
In an airplane, you can neither get off nor influence anything. Therefore the development of a certain basic trust is something that is very important in the treatment of fear of flying.
These aspects are something that make hypnosis so effective against fear of flying. Because with hypnosis we go directly to the source in the unconscious. If we instruct it to develop a relaxed atmosphere, this can decisively relieve the fear of flying.
No matter whether traumatic experiences or roused fear, a first step can be forgetting. By working with the unconscious, the influence of past experiences on the present state can be weakened. In this way the fear of fear is reduced.
This can also be used to solve the negative conditioning towards the aircraft. So that one does not already panic when just seeing the plane, it must become a neutral place again. With hypnosis we can get rid of this old stoff.
Many psychologists claim that the best way to overcome phobias and fears is confrontation. This may be true, but you can't just get off a plane when it gets too much.
Hypnosis now gives us possibilities to get into the plane in the trance while we stay on the ground in the hypnosis chair. This way we can handle it in a safe and secure way.
Our imagination has an amazing power. But all the fantasy we use for negative ideas can also be used for positive ones. So by means of hypnosis we can use the imagination to develop positive thoughts with flying.
What might seem unimaginable for someone suffering from aviaphobia, can be imagined in a positive way. Symptoms such as faster breathing are not a danger in themselves, but can in certain cases become a direct anticipation.
The great advantage of hypnosis in the treatment of fear of flying is the direct response of the unconscious. Most people with aviophobia are presented with facts about how safe flying is. And yet nothing changes in the fear.
The fear reaction is controlled by the unconscious and this does not have the logical rational thinking of the conscious mind. Therefore all numbers and facts are useless.
With hypnosis, however, we can translate these considerations into the language of the unconscious and thus often make the difference that allows for an improvement or even a resolution of the fears.
Hypnosis is a promising method to treat anxiety in general and the fear of flying in particular. By directly involving the unconscious in the trance, hypnotherapy makes progress possible that other methods do not allow.
Hypnosis helps with fear of flying. With hypnosis fear and also panic can be reduced or even completely dissolved. For this purpose, the hypnosis therapy of aviaphobia in the unconsciousness treats the causes of fear. In this way, flying may not become something fun but does not cause any more problems.