Hypnosis for inferiority complexes

Dissolve feelings of inferiority in the hypnotic trance and find a healthy self-esteem

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Hypnosetherapeut Zürich Jan Mion

Hypnotherapy for excessive feelings of inferiority

With Jan Mion

Hypnotherapy helps to address the causes of feelings of inferiority in the unconscious in order to strengthen the self.

Hypnosis is an effective tool that can help in the treatment of inferiority complexes. In this article, I discuss the benefits of hypnosis and explain how it can be used to treat inferiority complexes.

People with these complexes often suffer from feelings of inadequacy and a lack of self-confidence. They lack the ability to recognize their positive qualities and realize their full potential. The feeling of being worthless and undeserving can manifest itself in many different ways.

Hypnotherapy can help with any kind of inferiority problem, reducing self-criticism and devaluation and building a healthy self-esteem. If you feel inferior, hypnosis can help.

Inferiority complexes from the perspective of the unconscious mind

Our unconscious wants to ensure our survival at all times. To do this, it is automatically constantly evaluating the situation and other people. This usually does not happen consciously As our unconscious mind is not really based on facts and figures, it is not based on rational considerations but also on a kind of emotional self-image. This self-image is the feeling you have about yourself. If this is negative, we can speak of a feeling of inferiority. Most people experience this in their lives and it can be quite normal. For many, it is even an incentive to improve.

If this self-image is permanently negative and you have the feeling that you come off badly every time you compare yourself, this can lead to inferiority complexes. This constant negative judgment and self-criticism can make you hypersensitive. This kind of feeling inferior can trigger a lot of critical behavior.

This self-image is usually rationalized afterwards, i.e. people look for reasons why other people make them feel this way. This can be based on looks, successes or any other kind of measure. The most important thing is that the feeling almost always comes first.

Sensitivity means that even trivial things in everyday life are evaluated as an attack or threat, and the unconscious reacts to these in four different ways:

  • With fight, that means anger and aggression
  • With freezing, i.e. fear and numbness or depression
  • With flight, which means fear, avoidance and withdrawal.
  • With submissiveness, which means wanting to please or kissing ass

This means that either the inferiority can show itself in the form of putting oneself down or I can overcompensate with delusions of grandeur and arrogance.

Auf diese Weise will das Unbewusste ein Gleichgewicht erreichen und seine eigenen Unzulänglichkeiten überwinden.

Causes of feelings of inferiority

We learn a lot about ourselves early on in childhood. We begin to treat ourselves in the same way as our environment and, above all, our surroundings treat us. The image of others thus becomes our self-image and children tend to believe what they are shown or told about themselves.

What I often hear is something along the lines of "Nothing was ever good enough for my mother/father". This doesn't even have to be said, the behavior alone is enough for the child to understand something like this.

Even if parents often make comparisons with others or treat others better than themselves in principle, this can unconsciously reduce their own self-esteem.

If someone submits to this negative image of themselves, they may behave in accordance with it, even though they could do better. This often leads to a guilty conscience, remorse or feelings of shame and you make yourself and feel small and insignificant in order to conform to the requirements of this role.

The two images of oneself can also come into conflict, especially when the inner image of the self does not match the image ascribed to it from the outside. Then I often hear variations of "I hate it when someone accuses me of something that is not true". This shows the inner conflict of these demands on one's own being.

Effects of self-criticism

If you are very hard and self-critical, then your self-esteem is often in the cellar. Either the reaction is that you don't do anything because it can only be wrong or bad anyway. Or, conversely, someone is constantly running for others to please and prove their own worth through their actions.

In addition, it is hardly possible to accept compliments or recognize one's own achievements. I often hear from my clients that they see their successes as great in their heads, but don't "feel" them.

Many are also driven by an exaggerated sense of duty or an attempt to do everything right. This is also to compensate for self-perceived imperfection. Constant comparisons, especially upward comparisons, also perpetuate the negative self-image.

If you think you are lacking something, you tend to look for it in others. Inferiority complexes in relationships and partnerships can mean that you put up with a lot more than you would with a healthy self-confidence.

How to recognize the inferiority syndrome

Inferiority complexes can be difficult to recognize as they can go in two different directions. However, one can recognize the sensitivity and the fact that one's own is never good enough in most with inferiority complex.

The feelings of inferiority are often not necessarily perceptible as such, but it is rather the way you treat yourself that suggests that you at least unconsciously consider yourself to be inferior.

If you have a certain form of addiction to criticism or are very self-critical, this type of self-doubt may also be present.

The importance of mindfulness disorders in relationships and partnerships

Inferiority complexes can have a significant impact on relationships and partnerships. In many cases, these complexes are caused by self-doubt, which manifests itself in the form of insecurity and a lack of confidence. This can lead to conflicts that are difficult to resolve. Another problem is that inferiority complexes are often unconscious. This means that other reasons for jealousy or irascibility are often sought first. Usually initially with the other person.

On the other hand, it is also possible that the symptoms of inferiority manifest themselves as submissiveness and idolization of the other person. I have also had clients who alternated between submissiveness and raging jealousy.

On the other hand, it is also possible that the symptoms of inferiority manifest themselves as submissiveness and idolization of the other person. I have also had clients who alternated between submissiveness and raging jealousy.

Excessive inferiority and how it can manifest itself

Feelings of inferiority are a sense of deep dissatisfaction and inadequacy. People with inferiority complexes often believe that they are worth less than others and for this reason find it difficult to make decisions or persuade others. They tend to exhibit self-doubting behavior and question their decisions, which can ultimately prevent them from moving forward. Low self-esteem can also lead to people not being able to accept or allow criticism. Sometimes it is difficult for a person with an inferiority complex to build confidence in their own abilities and decision-making skills.

When trying to help someone with an inferiority complex, it is important to first better understand and find out what exactly is causing the problem. Through hypnosis, those affected learn to understand and accept what their problem is about and receive help to tackle it effectively and better manage inner conflicts.

Hypnotherapy can be helpful to get rid of inferiority complexes and to be able to continue to participate positively in life without being affected by negative thoughts.

Hypnosis for inferiority complexes

Hypnosis is an effective treatment option for inferiority complexes. Hypnosis has proven to be an effective way to identify and treat the underlying problem. During hypnosis, patients can be led to let go of negative emotions and uncover the roots of insecurity. With the help of hypnotherapy, the patient's self-esteem can be built up and strengthened.

The techniques of hypnotherapy help to allow and strengthen the self directly in the unconscious in order to get blocked feelings flowing again. This can improve the patient's condition by overcoming their negative thought processes and strengthening their self-esteem.

Hypnotherapy is an effective way to address inferiority complexes in a sustainable way. There is promising evidence that the use of this technique can provide positive results for people with inferiority complexes. Therefore, it is advisable to seek professional help from a qualified hypnotist when needed in order to get the most out of the process and build strong self-esteem.

How hypnotherapy works for feelings of inferiority

Hypnosis is an effective way to alleviate the symptoms of inferiority complexes. It can be used as a form of hypnotherapy to help sufferers change their thoughts and feelings about their self-image. One of the effects of hypnosis is that it enables the sufferer to delve deeper into their inner structures and concepts and deal with their problems at a deeper level.

In the treatment of inferiority complexes, hypnotherapists can help their patients to reach these levels and develop new strategies for coping with the symptoms. This can be achieved through hypnotic suggestion. In a hypnotic session, we break down what has come from the outside, be it upbringing, childhood experiences or negative experiences, and instead invite the unconscious to use more of the inner nature. Because everyone has everything they need to live with a healthy self-confidence.


To summarize, hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool for treating feelings of low self-worth. Inferiority complexes can be tackled directly at the root cause in the hypnotic trance. In this way we can reduce the negative effects and move away from self-criticism towards support. In addition, emotional wounds can be healed in order to achieve optimal inner balance.

Frequently asked questions

How do I resolve inferiority complexes?

Our own identity and self-worth are deeply rooted within us. It is often difficult to consciously change this. This is why hypnotherapy is very helpful in resolving inferiority complexes, as the causes can be tackled directly in the unconscious.

How does an inferiority complex manifest itself?

The reaction to the feeling of one's own inferiority can basically go in two directions: Into submissiveness or overcompensation. The one is manifested by withdrawing and putting up with everything and the other by arrogance or perfectionism

How does an inferiority complex develop?

Nobody invents their own inferiority. In other words, you have learned this self-image somewhere. It usually comes from the way you were treated by your parents. But childhood experiences or traumatic experiences can also lead to an inferior sense of self-worth.

Can inferiority complexes be cured?

Yes, it is possible to resolve inferiority complexes. To do this, it is necessary to change your self-image deep within your own unconscious. The best method for this is hypnotherapy, as the hypnotic trance works directly in the unconscious.

Why am I worth so little to myself?

Your own self-worth is usually not set by yourself, but by childhood experiences or treatment by others, especially your parents. If you are shown that you are worth nothing, then at some point you start to believe it.

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