Hypnose Blog Archiv

Hypnosis for medication addiction

Medication addiction can be an extremely stressful situation for those affected. Addiction to medications can lead to numerous health, social and emotional problems and can have a significant impact on quality of life. Many people struggling with medication addiction feel helpless and do not know how to get rid of their dependence on medication Using […]

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There are people who think more than others. However, if the thoughts become a constant brooding, then this can limit the quality of life. Those who brood a lot often have trouble being spontaneous and living in the moment. Often thoughts revolve around the same or similar things, without significant success. Especially in the evening, […]

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Hypnosis for cat allergies

Are you tired of suffering from cat allergies? Have you tried various treatments without success? Well, there may be a unique solution for you: Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis for cat allergies is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative treatment that can provide relief from the symptoms of cat hair allergies in many cases. I have also had […]

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When you've had enough of the hustle and bustle of the world, it's time to relax. However, more and more people have a problem with being able to relax. The inner restlessness and tension can cling to you even in a quiet environment. In such moments, hypnosis can provide more relaxation. In hypnosis we communicate […]

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Language learning with hypnosis

Learning a language through hypnosis can be a good way to release blockages and tap the potential of one's learning abilities. Especially when conventional methods have not brought much, hypnosis is a good idea. Hypnosis improves contact with one's unconscious mind, making language learning much easier. Whether learning words or speaking fluently, the unconscious part […]

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Fear of driving

Fear of driving can get in the way quite a bit. The freedom that a car gives you can be very clouded by your fear of driving. Sometimes you even lose it altogether, namely when you have to stop driving because of the fear. Often those affected are ashamed or afraid of being ridiculed. For […]

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Hypnosis for lovesickness

Hypnosis helps get over a broken heart when you are heartbroken. It is well known how difficult it can be to deal with heartbreak. The pain and sadness that comes with a breakup, toxic relationship, or unrequited love can be very stressful and difficult to deal with on your own. If you are currently in […]

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Bad habits

It can be difficult to get rid of bad habits that are deeply rooted in us. They are referred to as the "power of habits" because they influence many things in our lives. So there are good habits and bad habits. However, if these routines aren't doing you any good, then it's time to break […]

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Emotional dependence

Emotional dependence refers to excessive emotional dependence on another person. It can be a relationship with a partner, a friend, or even a family member. In the unconscious, emotionally significant issues are connected, which usually do not really belong together. This can lead to instability, which can make more and more insecure. A person who […]

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Online Hypnosis Therapy

The most common question I get is "Does hypnosis work online?". The answer to this is: "Yes". Hypnotherapy works just as well and sometimes even better over the Internet than offline, as you are in a familiar and hopefully pleasant atmosphere. Experience has shown me that I don't have to touch my clients, nor do […]

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8002 Zürich
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Ilgenstrasse 4
8032 Zürich