Hypnose Blog Archiv


Smoking is unhealthy, pretty much everyone knows that these days. Not only because of lung cancer but especially because of lung health. However, the knowledge about smoking does not make stopping smoking much easier. If you came to my site because you want to stop smoking under hypnosis, then the warnings on the cigarette pack […]

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Fear of flying

The fear of flying is a specific phobia that affects up to 16% of the population. Since the fear of flying often develops over a certain period of time, it should be treated early. The earlier one uses hypnosis against fear of flying, the faster the results can come. When treating the fear of flying […]

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Allergies range from troublesome to dangerous and affect the quality of life. Hypnosis can reduce the symptoms of allergies or even cure the allergy completely. This has also been scientifically proven. There are different theories about the increase of allergies. But the fact is: more and more people suffer from allergies. However, it is not […]

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Weight loss

More and more people want to lose weight with hypnosis. You know that every attempt to lose weight begins in the mind. By that I don't necessarily mean the will. Of course it has to be right. But much more important for successful weight loss are the unconscious parts, because otherwise you won't get very […]

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Learning is actually the most natural thing in the world. We learn every day. The human brain stores so many things, simply and by itself. But why doesn't it always do that? Why do we save the chorus from Summer hit without effort, but to learn German vocabulary needs big effort and are immediately forgotten […]

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Breitingerstrasse 21
8002 Zürich
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Ilgenstrasse 4
8032 Zürich