Hypnose Blog Archiv

Hypnosis for Phone Anxiety

Whether at work or in personal matters, we often have to make phone calls in life. Sometimes it is unavoidable; other times, it’s simply much easier and quicker than searching for a contact form and waiting for a response. Since most people haven't had particularly traumatic experiences with phones, unconscious associations are often made that […]

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The science of hypnosis: Unveiling Myths, Realities, and Therapeutic Potential

One of the things that comes up over and over with my new clients is that they tell me «I fully believe in hypnosis». Now while this is a great gesture at the beginning of a hypnosis sessions it shows me that many people still think, that hypnosis is something you have to believe in […]

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Hypnosis for pain treatment is becoming increasingly popular. Not only are operations now often performed under hypnosis in various hospitals, hypnosis can also be very helpful for patients with chronic pain. Individual pain So there is no such thing as "the pain", but rather a processing in the brain. However, this is not always consistent. […]

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Hypnosis Training
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Appointment booking
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Hypnosis against inferiority complexes

Hypnosis is an effective tool that can help in the treatment of inferiority complexes. In this article, I discuss the benefits of hypnosis and explain how it can be used to treat inferiority complexes. People with these complexes often suffer from feelings of inadequacy and a lack of self-confidence. They lack the ability to recognize […]

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Alcohol addiction

Alcohol is all around us. There's almost nowhere you can't buy it. Alcohol is quite socially accepted, unlike other intoxicants. The figures from Switzerland on alcohol consumption are sobering, so to speak. Due to the cultural anchoring of alcohol, it is not surprising that 86% of people over the age of 15 drink alcohol. […]

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Skin Picking

The repeated touching, squeezing, plucking or scratching of your own skin can range from annoying to destructive. Either way, it involves a psychological and emotional component. This is exactly the part we tackle with hypnosis against skin picking. Because even if other methods have already been tried, hypnosis can help you to leave yourself alone. […]

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Do you find yourself putting off important tasks? Have you tried all sorts of techniques to motivate yourself, but nothing seems to work? If so, hypnosis against procrastination could be the answer you've been looking for. Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon that many people experience in their daily lives. It can affect productivity, satisfaction and […]

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Hypnosis for perfectionism

Are you tired of the constant pressure to be perfect? Do you feel trapped in a cycle of self-criticism and fear of failure? Hypnotherapy can help you get rid of perfectionism. Hypnosis against perfectionism offers a solution to break out of this exhausting pattern. The beliefs and emotions that drive perfectionism are often unconscious and […]

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8032 Zürich